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DNA Smile

A genetic test for Periodontal (Gum) Disease.

Developed by functional medicine and genomic experts in response to the overwhelming scientific evidence which demonstrates the link between gum disease and chronic diseases.

Your healthcare practitioner may have recommended DNA Smile to you because they believe that the health of your mouth may be a major influencing factor in your current chronic disease.

The test is simple to perform by swabbing the inside of your mouth and can be done in the convenience of your own home.


More than 50% of the US population aged over 30 have gum disease.

Gum disease is now recognised as one of the major root causes for chronic disease development.

By treating gum disease, you also treat other diseases...

Diseases associated with gum disease include:

Type 2 Diabetes
Rheumatoid arthritis
Cardiovascular disease
Poor pregnancy outcomes
Some cancers

You and your practitioner may have struggled to get on top of your chronic disease symptoms.

If this is the case then DNA Smile can provide your practitioner with valuable data to help them manage and improve not only your gum disease but also your chronic disease.

Do you have gum disease?

For many it is a silent presentation with no obvious symptoms.

Signs of gum disease include:

Bleeding after brushing or flossing
Swollen, sore or tender gums
Receding gums
Bad breath
Loose teeth
Recently lost teeth
Family history of early tooth loss or gum disease

*Smoking & family history of tooth loss and/or gum disease are both significant risk factor for the development of gum disease

DNA Smile

A new test helping you to become a new you.

Please speak to your Practitioner.