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Bio.Me Oral - 60g

Pete's notes

We now see gum disease as a keystone disease for other diseases to develop and so maintaining the oral microbiome is a key player in reducing this process. This product with strain specific bacterial have been proven to fight against pathogenic bacterial in the mouth. I usually recommend using after each teeth brushing but most will use once before bed. Mix with 50ml of water and swish around (after cleaning teeth) for 20-30secs. You can spit out, but more benefit is likely from swallowing. ½ teaspoon is all that needed and this product lasts.

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further details

The strains in this formulation have been studied for their effects on pathogenic bacteria associated with the development of gingivitis, and the formation of plaque biofilms.

• Can help rebalance oral microbiome

• Can help guard against development of gingivitis

• Can help improve oral hygiene

• Formulated to ensure survival of the probiotic strains

• Helps prevent development of plaque biofilms

• Dairy free and gluten free formulation

The microbiome of the mouth can be supported with the right strains of bacteria to help prevent the development of dental disease. The PROBIOACT® Technology keeps the probiotics stable at room temperature and retains high cell counts during shelf life. This technology also protects the probiotics from acidic pH in the digestive to optimise their metabolic action in the right place.

Suggested use is 0.5 tsp in a little water, swish around the mouth before swallowing. Repeat morning and night.

Pre, Pro & Post Biotics

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